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Willa • Rynek wtórny Benahavis

Wróć do wyników wyszukiwania
  • Willa
  • 958 m²
  • 7
Cena: 4.500.000EUR
  • Sea view
  • Garden view
  • Pool view
  • Panoramic view

Dowiedz się więcej


    A turnkey fabulous modernist design villa set inside a picturesque neighbourhood in the folds of a slope between San Pedro de Alcántara, and the foothills of the Serranía de Ronda . This impressive residence of 958m² with the highest standards of quality, contemporary modern aesthetics, innovative features and cutting-edge technologies is the most current house of the future! It features an open plan living area that’ll wow your guests, with lounge, formal dining area, double height ceilings and huge wall-to-wall windows that flood the space with natural light and seamlessly unite the interior and exterior allowing to enjoy the tranquil majesty of nature, with surrounding Mediterranean pine forests (out of this pine wood Pinocchio was made once) and stunning panoramic views. The state of the art kitchen, entertaining area, staff and guests’ quarters, amazing terraces of 355 m², 6 spacious bedrooms and 6 bathrooms transformed into an area of luxury with stylish vanities to suit any super modern home – everything is the last word in luxury, comfort and chic. Interior design incorporates clean lines, sophisticated lighting and elegant restricted contemporary palette; exceptional designer’s furniture and decor will help to create an inspiring home for a dynamic lifestyle. Outside, the plot of 3.000 m² has it all to make the property ideal whether you want to relax al fresco, swim, sunbathe, dine romantically under the stars, enjoy BBQ or garden and pool parties. Recently built, gated with a checkpoint entrance La Reserva de Alcuzcuz is a very secure, green and spectacular residential development a short drive from the golf courses, sandyl beaches, the mecca of glamour, chic parties, luxury brands and celebrities Puerto Banus and the resort towns of Marbella and San Pedro. Due to its elevated position, it boasts breath-taking unobstructed panoramic sea views towards Gibraltar and the African Coast, and to the picturesque Andalusian hills. It is quite unique, created in accordance with the criteria of sustainability, ecology and bioclimatic architecture (low operating costs through generously sized solar system, external and internal lighting with the latest energy saving technology, efficient thermal insulation with organic materials, automatic ventilation with temperature compared internally and externally in heating and cooling mode, the garden irrigation of the development working of its almost autonomous water supply). Excellent opportunity to acquire the 21st century luxury residence which is a magnificent work of art in itself and offers a lifestyle of exceptional modern comfort.

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